Heather + Gabriel | Engaged | Green Acre Campus Point
I met Heather and Gabriel recently over coffee, and we instantly clicked. Not only are they high school sweethearts, but they share my love of Disney Channel Original movies, Indiana Jones and tacos!! They also put up with my intense jet-lag since we scheduled their shoot the day after I got back into the country. Seriously, so patient with my sleepiness, haha! Heather works in the area, and immediately had the idea to do their engagement photos at this amazing location. I had heard great things about this place, and was totally on board!
Heather and Gabriel love to play dominos together, and so we had to incorporate that into their shoot somehow!! I just love love the wooden dominos for their wedding date of 5-25! Then we popped open some cold ones once the sun came out and chilled in the gardens near Green Acre.
How fun are these giant wooden dominos?!
We finished off their session with a rousing game of dominos. Heather won, and the gloating ensued!! Haha!
Thank you both so much for choosing me to be your photographer! I seriously cannot wait to capture their wedding day next year!